Manual Osteopathy

Osteopathy and Manual Osteopathic Therapy use hands-on skills for investigation and treatment of body dysfunctions.

Treat the Root Cause of your Aches, Pains and Performance Issues.

The whole body is examined and when mechanical disruptions and imbalances are found, they are gently treated with techniques that engage the dysfunctional tissue until function is normalized. This is achieved using treatment modalities involving General Osteopathic Technique, Muscle Energy for specific osteo-articulation dysfunctions, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral, Lymphatic Drainage, and Visceral Manipulation techniques. The goal of Manual Osteopathy is to restore proper function and balance to the body allowing it to heal through its own natural processes. It guides the body to balance your nervous system, your circulatory and lymphatic systems all while improving your joint range of motion and relieving pain, discomfort, and other symptoms.

Benefits of Manual Osteopathy:

  • Reduce pain and improving range of motion through a variety of treatment techniques.
  • Identify your limitations and compensation patterns that reduce your ability to move freely.
  • We are an ICBC approved Health Care Provider vendor.