Stress fractures are the formation of micro cracks in the bone due to overuse or repetitive stress. They are most common in the lower legs and feet including the tibia, fibula, calcaneus (heel), metatarsals, and navicular. The commonly present as the result in a sudden change in the amount or type of activity.
Tenderness upon palpation
Pain with activity that generally subsides with rest
Swelling over the affected area
Risk Factors:
Sudden increase in activity amount or type
Sex: females at greater risk (commonly thought to be due to increased Q-angle of the hip and femur)
Diet: lack of calcium or vitamin D in diet can affect bone density, thus increasing risk
Over pronation
Improper footwear for shock absorption
Treatment Options:
Time: usually takes 6-8 weeks
Activity modification to allow for proper healing
Proper shoes and/or orthotics to help with alignment and absorb shock
Surgery: in severe cases
See a kinesiologist - activity modification
What are the next steps?
Book an appointment with one of our Certified Pedorthists to determine a personalized treatment plan to help you Move Well, Be Well.