Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, more commonly referred to as “shin splints” describes the sensation of pain in the lower, medial part of the leg (tibia). Oftentimes shin splints occur as the result of overuse, or “too much too soon” exercise (usually running or jumping). There is some debate over what shin splints actually refers to but is commonly thought to be inflammation of the connective tissue of the lower leg, stress on the bone, inflammation at tendon attachments sites, or myofascial strain. Shin splints seem to subside slightly during exercise but can be felt previous to and post exercise.
Sharp pain in the lower portion (bottom third) of the medial leg
Pain at affected area with pressure
Diffuse pain at medial lower leg upon palpation
Risk Factors:
“Too much too soon”
Overuse injury
Sex: females at higher risk
New to activity (especially running)
Navicular drop
Prolonged running on hard surfaces ie cement
Improper/unsupported footwear
Practicing high impact sports
Running up or down hills
Treatment Options:
Slow progression into exercise
Proper footwear
Maintaining strength in lower leg musculature
What are the next steps?
Book an appointment with one of our Certified Pedorthists to determine a personalized treatment plan to help you Move Well, Be Well.