What is a Pedorthist?

Arguably one of the most common questions we get asked is “You’re a Pe…dor-what?!” Not too many people have ever heard the term before let alone know what they do.

What is a Pedorthist?

By definition, a Canadian Certified Pedorthist (C. Ped (C)) is trained in the assessment of lower limb anatomy and biomechanics. They are experts in designing, fitting, and modifying custom made orthotics and orthopedic footwear. They are experts when it comes to all things feet!

What education does a Pedorthist have?

A Canadian Certified Pedorthist is someone who has successfully completed a post-graduate egree and has met all the requirements put forth by the Canadian College of Pedorthics of Canada and continues to meet all continuing education requirements.

What else does a Pedorthist do?

Pedorthist do more than just assessing for and making custom foot orthotics. They may also take additional course to be able to assess for over-the-counter and custom bracing for the feet, ankles, and knees. Bracing can help with joint instabilities, re-occurring injuries, and limiting pain. Another area a Pedorthist can be trained in is fitting for compression socks. Compression socks and compression stockings help to reduce leg pain by decreasing swelling and increasing blood flow. They also work collaboratively with other health care professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, massage therapist, and chiropractors to name a few.

Who should see a Pedorthist?

If you are unsure if you should see a Pedorthist, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you experiencing pain in your heels, arches, toes or ankles?
  • Are you suffering from unexplained pain in your back, hips or knees?
  • Are you living with diabetes or arthritis?
  • Is discomfort in your lower limbs preventing you from participating in all the activities you would like to?
  • Do you have difficulty finding footwear that fits comfortably?
  • Are the wear patterns on the soles of your everyday shoes uneven?
  • Have you experienced a serious foot or lower limb injury?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions an assessment with a Pedorthist can help!

What can I expect when I see a Pedorthist?

During your assessment, a Certified Pedorthist will begin by discussing your health history with you as well as the reasons for your consultation. They will then conduct a thorough assessment of your feet and lower limbs by evaluating your range of motion, analyzing your posture, and evaluating how you walk and/or run. They will share and educate you on their findings and make recommendations from there. When appropriate, a Pedorthist may cast (or scan) you for custom-made orthotics or fit you for over-the-counter insoles. They may also professionally fit you with footwear that is appropriate for you or make recommendations on what to look for.

Our team of Pedorthist are trained professionals who are knowledgeable in designing, fitting and modifying custom made orthotics and orthopedic footwear. If you or someone you know are struggling with being able to do the activities you enjoy book an assessment with one of our Pedorthist and let us help you Move Well, Be Well.

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