Why Virtual Fitness is Here to Stay

It’s no doubt that online fitness and at-home workouts have taken the world by storm amidst the pandemic. With certain gym and workout facilities closed, more people than ever are making the change. Online workouts, fitness apps, and websites have seen a huge spike in popularity.

At Kelowna Kinesiology, we’ve taken matters into our own hands and developed an affordable online fitness platform, called MoveWell. Our monthly MoveWell subscription includes unlimited access to our live, online workouts, tons of pre-recorded classes in our content library, wellness workshops, and wellness education. We offer a variety of classes including pilates, yoga, Zumba, HIIT, stretch and strength training, mobility, barre, and MORE. We want to help those Move Well, Be Well from the comfort of their own home!

Lise Waving at Camera

Here’s a few reasons why we believe that MoveWell and other virtual fitness platforms are here to stay:

Convenience & Flexibility: While physical gyms and studios have you plan your workout routine around them, virtual fitness solutions give you the freedom to work out when you want, where you want, and with whom you want. A huge convenience is being able to workout at home and having the flexibility to adjust your body-break around your work day and busy schedules.

Variety: In today’s day and age, with everything at the touch of our fingertips, it’s easy to access almost any type of fitness platform and expand horizons in order to try new things. Whether it is yoga, pilates, dance, kick-boxing, or circuit training, you name it, the options are endless. Think of it as your own personal trainer or class instructor in your pocket, ready whenever you need.

Bicep curls
Privacy: You don’t have to fret the fear of judgement wearing your pajama bottoms and ratty old t-shirts to workout. At home workouts, provide a feeling of security as you’re in control of your surroundings. Whether you have an at-home gym facility, garage, spare bedroom or prefer to take it outdoors, you can. All you need is a phone, laptop, and wifi connection. With MoveWell all online classes are taught through Zoom and you have the option to turn your camera on or off, so there’s no intimidation or self-consciousness.

Cost-Effective: Group fitness and gym memberships can be costly. Virtual fitness is a wonderful cost-effective way to workout and save money. All MoveWell classes are taught by practicing Kinesiologists and exercise specialists who understand movement and are able to offer high quality fitness classes. With a membership all subscribers receive 15% all in-store and online purchases of footwear, socks, fitness apparel, and non-medical products. BONUS: try one of our classes for free by using the code: MOVEWELL.

Get moving and get grooving with virtual fitness! If you want to learn more about our MoveWell community and subscription, please visit: movewellbewell.ca.

Written by Claire Peachey – Kinesiologist

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